I Will Not Spin …

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I will not spin on a bike.

 I will not spin on a wheel.

 I will not spin a yarn.

 I squeal, I squeal, I squeal.

I was determined NOT to get drawn into spinning.

There are many things I have been determined not to do: quit in the middle of a marathon and hop the bus to the finish, gain back the 100+ pounds I lost on a liquid diet, take in a dog, have more than 1 cat at a time, write a blog, take after my mother … (you can see where this is going, can’t you?)

You’d think I’d have learned that my determination NOT to do something is a challenge to the universe – and that the universe is bigger and it always wins.

I found Picasso’s Moon through a friend who was intrigued by the idea of spinning – on a wheel, not a bike. I’d been knitting for just a little while, and we’d been looking for a LYS where we felt comfortable.

Yes. Picasso’s Moon was it.

Cheeko heard about the store from a friend of Kim Perkins (of Batts in the Belfry and Elysian Fields). We’d just come from the courthouse where her divorce was finalized and she planned the visit as a celebration. I was adamant I was going to stick to just knitting. I didn’t think I could afford the extra expense of roving and a wheel.

I was slowly drafted into it.  I started spinning on a spindle. Cheap and portable.

my wall of art yarn
I ended up with a restored wheel, bought on layaway. Yes, laid away at my house because Debra is that kind of person. She told me she needed the room in the store.

And now? I have a wall in my living room specifically designed for showing off my spun yarn. Art yarn. I wonder what I’ll decide NOT to do next.


Hello world!

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Welcome to the world of Picasso’s Moon. Home base is a funky little yarn shop on Fruitville Road in Sarasota (antiques are in the back!). The world expands outward as customers and their wheels and needles travel to yarn festivals, spinning workshops, craft showcases, and their northern homes (we love snowbirds). We’ll be exploring the people and the yarns they spin – both literally and figuratively – who find their way to Picasso’s Moon.

Stay tuned.
